What Is Stopping You From Doing Martial Arts?

Many people mistakenly think that martial arts are only reserved for those who are super fit, very young or for who only like to fight. But martial arts can be practiced by everyone regardless of fitness level, age, goals or experience.

The following are some of the barriers stopping people from taking up martial arts as an activity:

  • Belief that you’re too old
  • Believing you’re not good enough
  • Believing you’re not athletic enough
  • Fear of getting injured


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I’m too old to start

Our martial arts, Wing Chun Kung Fu, is suitable for people of all ages, you are never too old to start. While being older may mean having some physical limitations and it may take a little longer to digest some of the moves, they can still get a lot of benefits from practicing. 

Believing your not good enough

If you doubt your ability to learn and successfully practice martial arts, you are not alone. Many students who have had their doubts when starting out have been surprised themselves with what they could achieve. 

I’m not athletic enough

Not being athletic or fit enough isn’t a reason to avoid learning martial arts. As a matter of fact, it is a great reason to start because it works the whole body and builds fitness. 

I’m scared of being injured

A fear of getting injured is a common barrier preventing people from starting a martial arts practice. But all classes at KEI Kung Fu are delivered in a supportive and encouraging environment, and any sparring activities are performed in a controlled manner, injuries are very rare.

Whatever your age, fitness level, physical strength or aspirations are, make the rest of 2023 the year to knock down those barriers and have fun, get fit and build strength of body, mind and spirit with martial arts.

Break down the barriers that are stopping you from learning martial arts. Start your journey with KEI Kung Fu and enjoy the amazing physical, mental and emotional rewards it offers.